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Revelation Illustrated

Revelation Illustrated is a free online tool that helps to read and study the book of Revelation. 420 verse-by-verse illustrations visualize John’s visions as completely, clearly and objectively as possible.

Thematic infographics

Thematic infographics offer analytical, zoomed out perspectives on themes like structures, places, time units and characters relationships – helping to discern Revelation’s deeper connections and significance.

Search for keywords

The search bar allows searches on specific keywords, phrases or even numbers. This facilitates in-depth studies of specific themes, characters or symbols that are spread out over the whole book of Revelation.

No theological side

Revelation Illustrated is a non-interpretive visualization of the last book of the Bible. It aims to illustrate the Revelation as objectively as possible, making it useful regardless of theological sides or beliefs.

Mission Statement

It is the author’s mission to make the book of Revelation more approachable, to spread our future collective hope in Jesus and to help readers debunk damaging interpretations of the Revelation.


Every illustration contains the corresponding Bible text (NIV), allowing to read the book of Revelation as a graphic novel. Click on an image to zoom in and click the arrows to go the next or previous verse.


Illustrations are a helpful addition to the Bible texts. Visualizations are quick to convey messages, they are easily remembered and provoke visual associations with other Revelation chapters or Bible books.

A visual overview

The overview of illustrations and thematic infographics offer never seen before panoramic views of the book of Revelation. This allows to easily make visual connections between verses, paragraphs and chapters.


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The thematic infographics are on the bottom side of the menu: structures, time, place, characters, disasters, numbers, symbols and qoutations.

Thematic analyses

Revelation Illustrated offers over ten thematic analyses covering the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven bowls, time units, places, characters, numbers, disasters, symbolism and references.

About the Author

illustration by Iris (Vakwerk)

In 2014, Dutch hobby illustrator Ruben van der Plas encountered challenges understanding the Book of Revelation, finding its structure, symbolism and interpretations impenetrable.

While there are many books written about the Revelation, most approach it from specific theological viewpoints, limiting their usefulness for gaining an unbiased and non-interpretive first glance.

As a hobby illustrator, Ruben began mapping and visualizing Revelation’s content. This personal project evolved over ten years of evening and weekend work, combining careful study with detailed illustrations.

Despite receiving publishing offers, Ruben chose to self-publish his book on Amazon in 2022. Choosing for self-publishing allowed him to maintain the copyright of his illustrations, and to create this free online platform. Ruben’s goal with this online platform is to make Revelation Illustrated freely accessible to a large audience and to share our collective future hope in Jesus.

Looking ahead, Ruben hopes to expand the project with additional thematic infographics and objective observations about Revelation, provided the current platform proves valuable to its users.

Image use

Please feel encouraged to display this website in public and to use the images in presentation slides. The only applicable conditions are that the images remain unaltered and that the author (Ruben van der Plas) and website URL ( are clearly communicated to the audience. Make sure you also have the required permissions to use the NIV Bible texts. Commercial use of any content or images of Revelation Illustrated is not permitted. All rights reserved. Any other use requires explicit written permission.


Questions or suggestions about Revelation Illustrated? I would love to hear from you! As this is a personal project, please allow 2-3 days for a response.

6 + 10 =

This free online platform represents thousands of hours of self-funded work. If you would like to support this project, your donation will help cover hosting and web development costs.

Any excess funds may go toward expanding our reach through marketing and creating new content.

Note: This is a personal project, not affiliated with any organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

Endorsements and Book Reviews

“Revelation Illustrated is essential for the emerging visual generations. A wonder-filled, retelling of Revelation that brings creativity and clarity to our collective future hope!”

Karen Sawrey – Author and Creator of The Infographic Bible

This graphic overview opens the reader’s eyes to the structure and message of the image-rich book of Revelation.”

Rob van Houwelingen – New Testament Professor Emeritus, Kampen Theological University, The Netherlands:

Very clever interpretation of Revelation! Revelation is a picture book anyway and this book is such fun. Nicely done.

Janey – Amazon customer

“My friend kept grabbing my book to show others (…) I suspect they may have ordered their own copies.

Denise – Amazon customer

I have long looked forward to a book of this nature. (…) Revelation is a wonderful book with some great themes. Unfortunate many writers keep giving it an undeserved bad rap. This book corrected that view. Thank you!”

Denton – Amazon customer

Revelation Illustrated

Revelation Illustrated: verse-by-verse illustrations to read and study the Revelation

Thanks to Liesbeth, Priya, Chiel, Guido, Meredith, Sander, Wieger, Marjoke, Miel and Judith for your invaluable support.

© 2025 Ruben van der Plas. All rights reserved.
The illustrations and artwork on are the exclusive intellectual property of Ruben van der Plas. All illustrations, images, and related visual content on this website are protected under international copyright laws. No part of these illustrations may be commercially reproduced, distributed, modified, or used in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Ruben van der Plas. For permissions, licensing, or usage inquiries, please contact Ruben van der Plas. Biblical texts referenced in conjunction with the illustrations are quoted for religious and educational purposes and belong to their respective copyright holders. Sharing links to this website on social media is permitted and encouraged, provided the content remains unmodified and properly credited.

Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®
Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.